Tuesday, September 16, 2008

haha~~ suddenly felt like blogging in this new blog~ :P
for this blog neh~ hmm....i will write anything because i am listening to the deepest in my heart~ :P

today was a nice cool day~ work in the vet~ hmm....ntg much also~ but chat alot with dr loo~ although this few weeks is abit quiet but we are stil havin fun....chatting lar~~ checking up dogs n stuffs~ but then time stil flies~~

today was in a very good mood i duno why~ haha!! guess i'm kinda happy but i duno what am i happy-ing about~ :P can anyone tell me??!

oh ya~ juz now~ brought puggy to sit in my car n i drove around my house area~ she likes it though a lil scare~ haha!! at least she got experience to sit by herself loo~~ anyway she's enjoying looking everywhere in my car....especially when i pull the monkey that LG Wei Sin gave me~ haha!! she looks so curious~ :P

LOL~~ Puggy big big gal lo~ 6 months old dy loo~ time for spaying loo.... hope she wont on heat so soon~ :P

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